The World's Best Horoscopes


Personality Horoscopes

An interpretation of the birth horoscope offers you valuable insights into the "structures" of your personality. Personal qualities and abilities, but also conflicts and potential for development are visible in the birth chart. These horoscope interpretations can help you to get to know and understand yourself better.

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Relationship Horoscopes

Love relationships belong to the deepest experiences in life. Many other kinds of relationships - at work, in the family or among friends - have formative influences on your life as well. Do you know why you feel attracted to one person, but not to the other? These horoscope interpretations offer you fascinating insights.

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Forecast Horoscopes

What will the coming days and weeks bring, what the coming year? Is destiny written in the stars? A forecast horoscope can help you to recognise the quality of time to come. In this way, you are better equipped to deal with crises and difficult times in life and to make the best of the opportunities that come your way.

See all forecast horoscopes

Children & Youth

Children experience life through play and have to try out a lot before anyone can even apprehend their later path in life with all its possibilities and ramifications. Nevertheless: Certain inclinations and talents can be read from a child's birth horoscope, even when they are still young.

See all children horoscopes


For some offers such as the Extended Daily Horoscope, horoscope drawings in PDF format or extended data storage, a low-cost subscription is required. The Subscription for the Daily Horoscope gives you access to the Daily Love Horoscope as well as to all transits and allows you to better understand the quality of time.

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