Transits of the Year

Report based on your personal transits, by Robert Hand

Pair holding hands
easter special

What will the next year bring?

What would be most appropriate in your life just now? What will the next year bring? Have you ever felt that life is following its own schedule - sometimes you have to struggle with enormous problems; at other times everything seems to work out fine all by itself. Sometimes one big crisis follows another. And then again, there are times when good fortune literally seems to beam on one. What lies behind this changeability of fate? "Transits of the Year" sheds light upon this mysterious quality of the times.

Sitting on the bridge "Transits of the Year" is based on the movements of the actual planets in the sky over the different positions in your natal chart. Robert Hand describes how these transits influence you personally and which themes and topics will be most important for you during any given year. Knowing about your transits can help you to cope better with crises and difficulties and to make the best of the opportunities coming your way.

You can order your "Transits of the Year" for any twelve-month period of time, starting from the first day of any month of your choice.

"Transits of the Year" doesn't deal with all the transits occurring during one year. Instead, the most important ones - depending on the respective natal chart - are chosen and interpreted. The interpretation of certain transits may vary according to the age of the person in question and the presence or absence of certain factors in the natal chart. The interpretation may also be influenced by other transits taking place at the same time.

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Price: USD 64.90
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You can access your horoscope interpretation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once the access limit is exceeded, it is no longer possible to access the horoscope. Therefore, we advise you to save the horoscope on your computer, print it out or have it sent to your e-mail address as a PDF document.

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Price: USD 69.90
Printed Horoscope

Title: Transits of the Year
Author: Robert Hand
Volume: 25 - 28 pages
Available languages: English, Chinese, Danish, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Turkish and Russian
Included: Ad-Free Website for 12 months.

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E-Horoscope (online delivery)

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Download access: 6 months from date of purchase

Price: USD 64.90
6-Month Access Limit
You can access your horoscope interpretation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once the access limit is exceeded, it is no longer possible to access the horoscope. Therefore, we advise you to save the horoscope on your computer, print it out or have it sent to your e-mail address as a PDF document.

Printed and bound

Printed and bound by hand, delivery by postal mail.

With additional shipping costs, depending on the country of delivery.

Price: USD 69.90
Printed Horoscope

Title: Transits of the Year
Author: Robert Hand
Volume: 25 - 28 pages
Available languages: English, Chinese, Danish, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Turkish and Russian
Included: Ad-Free Website for 12 months.